Houston, We Have a Problem

Have you been in this predicament yet? My oldest boy is nine - 4th grade. Lots of little bastards are running around saying, "He's not real. It's your parents." Believe me, I know the time is here . . . if one of the little bastards happen to be yours, mine will probably be joining them next year. He slyly mentioned several times this past month that he wasn't quite sure about this whole thing. On the way home from our family shindig on Christmas Eve, he said he heard someone say, "but don't tell your brother." And of course he told us this in front of his seven year-old brother. I shot him a look and said, "I don't have all the answers Coop but let's drop it."

When we got home, I pulled him into his room and this was our convo:

Me: I know that you're having lots of doubts but I want you to know that as long as you believe, Santa will always come visit you.
Cooper: But is he real mom?
Me: He is real in your heart and he is real in my heart and I believe in Santa Claus.
Cooper: Silence . . .

This was at 8 p.m. and we wanted both the boys in bed ASAP. We were worn out. Ben kept saying, "Shouldn't we go to sleep?" He didn't want to take the chance that Santa wouldn't visit because they were still awake. Good boy. Unfortunately, he kept repeating that mantra until about 9 p.m.

I found this great pin on Pinterest. It is a wonderful way to have this conversation with your Doubting Thomas and a great way to reinforce their faith and belief in something they can't see. I highly recommend the read.


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