Cast Away

I feel bad that I don't always remember to say nighttime prayers with the boys. Chalk another one up to mother's guilt. So last night I remembered and asked if Boy #2 (BBH) wanted to add anything and he said, "Please keep us safe on our ski trip next week." Amen. Then my precious little worrywart asked me, "Could our plane crash?"

God bless his soul. He takes after his neurotic mother. I am worried about everything from how I will save both kids when we go over the side of the bridge to whether or not they are prepared for survival if we get attacked a la Red Dawn (remember that movie with Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen where a bunch of high schoolers defend themselves from a Russian invasion?)

To lie or not to lie? I don't want to feed his anxiety but then again, I don't want him to think there aren't lunatics that want nothing more than to see Americans squirm in pain -- I promise, I DO NOT voice my neurosis! (Note to self: We need to learn another language because I think we could all pass for Swedish or German. Who am I kidding? Those terrorist want everybody dead.) I didn't say "You have more chance of breaking your leg!" What I  ever-so-gently said was, "Of course, we will be OK. Do you know that cars are much more dangerous than planes? If something were ever to happen, me and Daddy would move heaven and earth to make sure you were OK. And no matter what, Jesus would be right by your side and he will always take care of you."

BBH is six. I think, I hope, that was a good conversation. Knowing what I know now, God will always take care of us no matter what. It may not be in the way we think or hope but he will always be right by our side.

What made me think of all this? Cast Away, with Tom Hanks, is playing on HBO. Inattentive mother that I am is letting the boys watch the end. Before you damn me to hell, their father let them watch the first half months ago and they begged to see the end. Now there are bawling because he lost Wilson, "Wilson, come back!!!!" OK, I have to run and explain this one now. Prayers should be interesting tonight.


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