Yada, yada, yada

Just a bunch of randomness . . . Today was the 100th day of school and kindergarten had a party. All the kids were invited to dress up like a 100 year-old person but Boy #3 (I'll just say B from now on) would have none of it. He tells me quite often that he would have liked to stay four years-old forever but will settle for six. I told him that was fine by me as long as he learns to wipe his own butt - completely.

It's hard to believe how much their school has taken over my life. Not only did I volunteer to help with the kindergarten activities, I had a PTA meeting after, then the PTA Founder's Day Luncheon which I actually enjoyed. In case you didn't catch on in my first post, I'm homespun, indigenous, a native, a local . . . I received a quality education in the same little schoolhouse. The auditorium sure seemed much larger back then. And kids got paddlings too but not me. If that was the case, my momma would've done her own a$$ whipping and I don't mean on me! Enough about that, my favorite 4th grade teacher was there and she remembered me. How sweet.

Now the day is done and I'm sitting here typing my little fingers off while Cash Cab plays in the background. I would kick ass in the Cash Cab. What is it with people who don't go for double-or-nothing in the end? They didn't get in the cab with anything to begin with so what's the big deal. (Tangent - Can't my husband see I'm trying to think? He needs to stop yakking on the phone or go in the other room. Don't you like how I can type my blog and play Cash Cab at the same time but his voice is annoying the hell out of me?) Back to the game, if they needed the money so much why are they taking a cab in a city that has extensive public transportation?! Another thing, the show needs to re-think those flashing lights inside the cab. It reminds me of a traveling porn show. Then again, I love Ben Bailey so that porn show thing might work.


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