Not Fair, Not Fair, Not Fair!

Why, oh why, oh why? It's so NOT FAIR! Everything -- should I make a list? Let me just vent about the number one most not fair thing . . .

My main man has been on a mission. His company has banded together to see who can walk the most steps each day. CLH and the rest of his department purchased these super-cool pedometers. He is somewhere in the top 10 walkers at the company headquarters. He has lost close to 20 pounds and I am so proud of him!

Here is the rub . . . now he only weighs THREE more pounds than me! In my mind, wives should weigh less than their husbands. At least this wife should weigh less than her husband! I am so depressed. But what makes this so unfair, he bought me a pedometer too and I've walked more than him each day (I would be like number TWO at his company. Granted, he started four months ago but I thought I would see some movement on the scale after my first two weeks!) 

Side Note:  For those who don't know us, CLH is only 5'8".  It's not like he is a 6' tall man that should weigh, what, 200 lbs.?

In addition to all that, I cross train twice a week. I am in fantastic shape (please forgive my immodest bravado.) I can do push ups, pull ups, sit ups, you name it.  I'm healthy, nothing really jiggles and my muscles are hard as rocks -- underneath a couple of layers of fat. I only take slight, very slight, comfort in the fact that muscle weighs more than fat. I think I would weigh at least 15 pounds less if I didn't work out -- but then I'd be jiggly. Just go with me. This is what I want to believe, need to believe.

But all that doesn't make up for the fact that my husband is three pounds heavier than me. That should motivate me to go for a walk on this humid, hot Saturday morning. Not. I am depressed. I think I'll go eat a cinnamon roll. (See my problem?)


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