Genie in a Bottle

A genie, that's what I need! What's the name of that big blue Robin Williams-genie in Aladdin? You know who I'm talking about. I want one of those guys.

Sidenote: Speaking of genies . . . I had to include this picture of the inside of Jeannie's bottle. And speaking of wishes, this is what I wished my bedroom looked like when I was a little girl. Purple was my favorite color and I even had a pair of PJs like Jeannie.

I was just thinking about some things I wished I had . . .

  • those lights that come on when you enter a room and go off when you leave
  • carpet that retained its vacuum cleaner tracks for at least a week
  • children who turned off the TV/stopped playing the DS and listened intently to me when I spoke
  • a desk chair with a push button that jiggled the fat off my butt
  • an air conditioned bubble that I could walk around in outside

I know that's over the number three limit and I could go on but for now, I'd be happy with that.


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