Success . . . and Failure

Lesson learned: Every morning (and again at night,) reread the last paragraph of my post, Forty Days and Forty Nights.

How's it going with my Lenten vow to not neglect the ones I love? Good and bad. I've been more attentive to my boys - what's really bothering them when they whine that everybody is being mean to them. We've been playing more outside - with me NOT just watching from the window while I'm on the computer. I've recently had the opportunity to be a encouraging and supportive friend -- I think I did a good job.  Although it seems that me and the man have been passing in the night, they've been meaningful passes (get your minds out of the gutter!) I've been spending more time with my grandmother and making plans to see my not-so-close-in-proximity grandfather.

So where have I failed? I blew something out of proportion that my mother said and gave her a rash of shit. Granted, she did hurt my feelings but I could have just told her that -- and calmly. I take after my father in the temper department (I don't worry about more hurt feelings if he reads this. Beside the fact that he is aware of his behaviors too, he'll never admit that he is technologically-challenged and I doubt he could find his way here.) I hate my fly-off-the-handle tendency and I hate that it hurts those closest to me. I apologized but I have to do better.


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